2018: Changes, Changes...

by - January 11, 2018

It feels like years since I wrote but the last time I posted, was about how fast the year ends and here we are HAPPY NEW YEAR!

Some things changed since my last post folks, I said I wanted to move to London but I'm still in Barcelona because my summer job called me and honestly that saved me and my economy lol. So right now I'm still studying and working, there's no plan in London but I have some plans to travel as much as I can so at least there's that! There's always time for everything, right?

As I said in my last post, I'm one of those people who love a good old list (i even write them on paper lol). This year I'm gonna try to do a lot of new stuff, and change some of the things I always did, so here's another post about my purposes:

1. Healthy LIFESTYLE. I always said I wanted to get healthy because I wanted to lose weight, now what I want is to change my lifestyle. It's not about going on a diet, it's about being always healthy. Obviously, once you're in a good place with yourself, you can eat some junk food, but only from time to time. For me to be there, first I have to be healthy. I already joined a GYM and been eating healthy since the end of the celebrations (Monday). 

2. Re-decorate my bedroom. This year (hopefully) it's when my sister finally moves out, it's not that I don't love her (ofc) but the time has come. We've always shared a bedroom, so for me to have a room for myself it's gonna feel kind of weird. Having a room for myself only means one thing: DECORATION, oh boy I love a good home decor. I already planned some things, saw some inspiration on Pinterest (again) and made myself a couple of list of things I have to do and buy. 

3. Take care of myself. By taking care I don't only mean of my skin and, as I said before, my body, but I also mean going more to the doctors and dentists. I've always been scared of going to the dentist and that's paying off now. So this year (as weird as this may sound) I HAVE TO go. 

4. Travel, A LOT. Ok, maybe a lot will not be possible but hey, anything will do, to be honest. One of the visits I'm already planning in Amsterdam with some friends (hopefully some post will be done about it) but I'm thinking about some other visit, even if it's in my country. 

5. Get my car license & a car. I've been in my driving school for two years now, but I made a mistake, I joined the worst one in my town. This year I'm changing to another driving school and this time it's for good. I'm gonna get my car license, promise (to myself) and with that, I have to think about a car I want to buy 

6.. Save Money. Even though all of the things I said before costs some money, I also wanna start saving money. First, i'm gonna start saving money for the things in this lists with some DIY jars and saving pots and then, gonna just try to spend less and less by each month that passes.

I'm gonna end the list here, even though I know that if I keep thinking I'm gonna end with a lot more, but these are the important ones, for sure. 

Honestly, this year feels weird. It doesn't feel like purposes I make myself to make me feel better but like things, I'm actually willing to do. I'm excited to do everything and get to the path I want. 

Babes, take care and do more of what makes you happy.

Africa xx

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